About us


Futurepath Education is a new specialist education provider with the aim of providing students aged 15-18 with top tier educational experiences. We aim to educate students around the world with the knowledge & skills to explore their passion in design and technology, succeeding in their future by learning directly from various creative industry experts and visionaries.

At Futurepath, we also provide university and career consultation services where professionals can help and advise prospective students in their educational and career paths for the future. Our consultation services are not only limited to university and course subjects but also include industry and career consultations to learn more about specific skills used in different industries.

We are dedicated to providing students who are interested in the future of design and technology with the finest quality education possible, which is why Futurepath was created.

Our programs are distinctive in that they emphasize technology and design for the future, fostering our students' intellectual curiosity about their chosen fields. We strive to ensure that every student leaves our programmes with newfound expertise, skills, and enthusiasm to plan the next stages of their education and further forward, their career. To this end, all of our programmes are designed by expert tutors and help prepare our students for future success.

What Is This Programme?

Michael studied Design Engineering at Brunel University London, with a placement year where he gained experience working in various industries, the most memorable organization he worked for was Immerse Education - bringing about the vision and values which shapes thi programme.

"Before university, I had no idea what I wanted to do, and ended up looking into various different courses from mechanical engineering to biotechnology, architecture, and interior design - which led to using my time to study for exams towards researching each and every course and ultimately wasting a lot of valuable time. I was one of the latest students to apply for a university in the UK which is under the UCAS system."

Upon graduating, he then set out to create a programme for passionate students in either the design or technology subjects to give them insight and knowledge on what each courses really teach in university and the career prosepects after graduating that course. He believes in creating fun and insightful educational experiences for students from around the world to expose them to these subjects at a higher level. He is passionate about technology and how he can share that passion to indecisive students who are going through a tough time figuring out what they really want to do in the future.Michael’s goal is to positively impact as many young futures as possible.

"My goal is to positively impact as many young prospective students to provide them with the experience and exposure needed to make confident decisions on their educational and career path. Through this programme, I hope that passionate students around the world will be able to have their first real start to being a part of the future."





01. Student Wellbeing

Prioritising Safety

To ease parents' concerns about their children's safety while they are with us, all of our team members will be required to undergo an extensive DBS check (the UK's criminal record check) and go through safeguarding and welfare training. We place a high emphasis on the security and welfare of our participants. Every participant in a Futurepath program is placed in a group guided by a mentor; this group typically consists of 9–10 students and is supervised by an on-site Futurepath Education Mentor.

All participants can depend on mentors for friendship, support, and guidance. They are willing to share their knowledge and experience and have a genuine understanding of the difficulties and demands that participants must deal with. But most importantly, they should be able to support the student and serve as a channel for communication between the team and the student at any and all times. Since many mentors are former students of Brunel University or Futurepath, they can link their experiences to each participant.

Prioritising Safety

02. Pastoral Care

Our Top Tier Management

A senior College Manager who has received training and experience oversees each of our programs. They oversee organizing and carrying out academic classes and social events, as well as supervising the Mentor staff. For any pastoral or academic concerns during the program, they serve as the point of contact.

Our site is constantly under the close supervision of our local summer team and college staff. Both the city and the college are extremely safe places. All employees go through thorough security and safety inspections, including enhanced DBS checks conducted by the UK government.

The curriculum encourages students to become more independent, but they must do so in a safe environment, preferably in pairs or small groups. The Futurepath crew is always available to monitor participation and make sure that everyone has a fun and safe day.

A senior College Manager who has received training and experience oversees each of our programs. They oversee organizing and carrying out academic classes and social events, as well as supervising the Mentor staff. For any pastoral or academic concerns during the program, they serve as the point of contact.

Our site is constantly under the close supervision of our local summer team and college staff. Both the city and the college are extremely safe places. All employees go through thorough security and safety inspections, including enhanced DBS checks conducted by the UK government.

The curriculum encourages students to become more independent, but they must do so in a safe environment, preferably in pairs or small groups. The Futurepath crew is always available to monitor participation and make sure that everyone has a fun and safe day.

03. Curiosity Not Fear

Curiosity Driven Success

The learning process depends on the desire for exploration, the thrill of discovery, and the drive to find solutions. At Futurepath, we promote the importance of questioning in both our team and our participants.

The most significant influence on fostering curiosity may be found in the learning environment. As a result, we are committed to providing our students with a dynamic learning environment through interesting curriculum and motivational instructors.

Curiosity Driven Success

04. Explore Radical Innovations

Education Isn’t Just About Test Scores

Learning is not about ticking boxes - it's about inquiry and innovation. We develop interesting curriculum that refocus the emphasis away from grades and testing and toward a fundamental comprehension of a subject. We are certain that our creative and unique teaching methods help individuals reach their full potential and produce the most growth.

Learning is not about ticking boxes - it's about inquiry and innovation. We develop interesting curriculum that refocus the emphasis away from grades and testing and toward a fundamental comprehension of a subject. We are certain that our creative and unique teaching methods help individuals reach their full potential and produce the most growth.

05. Always Improving

Without Challenges, Progress is Impossible.

At Futurepath, we believe that gaining knowledge should never cease and that people who are always looking for ways to improve themselves will succeed. It has been shown that individuals who embrace a developmental mindset are more driven, less stressed out, and perform better overall.

By fostering an environment where failure is unthinkable and mistakes are just a part of the process, we hope to instill this mentality in both our participants and our employees.

Without Challenges, Progress is Impossible.

06. Broaden Horizons

Individual Differences Promote Group Unity

Cultural exposure and awareness are at the core of our ideals at Futurepath. Different people's views and values, in our opinion, promote a collaborative and dynamic atmosphere. We encourage mutual respect and understanding as well as collaboration as a means of achieving our goals.

Cultural exposure and awareness are at the core of our ideals at Futurepath. Different people's views and values, in our opinion, promote a collaborative and dynamic atmosphere. We encourage mutual respect and understanding as well as collaboration as a means of achieving our goals.

07. Just Be Yourself

Paths to Success Are Different For Everyone

Everyone has a unique learning style and viewpoint, thus we encourage participants to embrace their uniqueness.

We provide customized study programs and feedback to each participant in order to guarantee the best possible educational standards.

Tutors are urged to approach their lessons in a flexible manner. Our instructors support each student's unique learning preferences, aptitude, and areas of interest to provide the best learning outcomes.

Paths to Success Are Different For Everyone