Terms & Conditions

Last updated Feb 17, 2023

Please note that discount codes cannot be combined. Please see section 4.7 for more information.

These Terms and Conditions, together with our Privacy Policy, Code of Conduct and any other written information we brought to your attention before we confirmed your enrolment (“booking”) form the basis of your contract with us. Please read them carefully as they set out our respective rights and obligations. In these Terms and Conditions references to “you” and “your” include the first named person on the booking and all persons on whose behalf a booking is made or any other person to whom a booking is added or transferred.

Please note that depending on what service you book with us, will determine who your contract is with.

All summer school bookings are made with Futurepath Ed Ltd, company number 14710227 with registered address at 16 Copse Wood Way, Northwood, Middlesex, HA6 2UE, United Kingdom. Futurepath Ed Ltd is not affiliated to Brunel University or any other company.

  1. By making a booking, the first named person agrees on behalf of all persons detailed and where the booking is for a child under the age of 18, the person with parental responsibility agrees on behalf of that child that;

    • After enrolling in the chosen Course and paying the booking deposit fee listed in clause 3 below, you will be sent a confirmation of enrolment (referred to below as “enrolment confirmation”) by Futurepath Ed Ltd in the selected course (hereafter referred to as “the Course”). A binding contract between you and us comes into existence when we dispatch the enrolment confirmation to the first name person on the booking, or the person with parental responsibility where the booking concerns a child under the age of 18.

    • An invoice is forwarded with the enrolment confirmation, informing the student of the payable course fees, and indicating the payment deadline and the student number.

    • he/she accepts financial responsibility for payment of the booking on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking.

  2. Participation / Enrolment Confirmation

    • he/she has read these Terms and Conditions and has the authority to and does agree to be bound by them;

    • he/she consents to our use of personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and is authorised on behalf of all persons named on the booking to disclose their personal details to us, including where applicable special categories of data (such as information on health conditions or disabilities and dietary requirements);

  3. Booking Deposit

    • A booking deposit fee is required in order to confirm a booking on the Course.

    • The booking deposit fee required will be notified to you at the time of booking and is non-refundable.

  4. Balance Payments

    • The price list for the Course in effect at the time of enrolment is an integral part of the contract. Please refer to www.futurepath.education for the total course fee.

    • The course fee is due and payable in full according to the terms of the invoice. The payment date is defined as the date at which the payment is credited to the Futurepath Education account specified in the enrolment confirmation. The money transfer must indicate the Course Student‘s name.

    • All bank charges related to the payment of the course fee shall be borne by you.

    • If we do not receive full payment of the course fees by the due date, we reserve the right to treat the booking as cancelled and the student will no longer be entitled to the courses booked.

    • In case of non-attendance at the booked Course, delayed arrival, early departure or withdrawal from a Course, or any other absences (e.g. due to illness), there is no claim to reimbursement of the Course fees unless stated otherwise.

    • We reserve the right to amend our course fees at any time. We also reserve the right to correct errors in both advertised and confirmed prices. We will endeavour to provide reasonable notice of any such changes but you must check the price of your chosen course at the time of booking.

    • It is not possible to combine discount codes without our express written consent. For example, discount codes, scholarships and/or voucher codes cannot be used in conjunction with one another. One code may be used per enrolment. Where multiple discount codes have been used, only the higher value code will be accepted.

    • At our absolute discretion, we may agree to balance payments being made by instalments. Please contact us for further details.

  5. Accuracy

    • The course fee is due and payable in full according to the terms of the invoice. The payment date is defined as the date at which the payment is credited to the Futurepath Education account specified in the enrolment confirmation. The money transfer must indicate the Course Student‘s name.

  6. Course Postponement

    • The course fee is due and payable in full according to the terms of the invoice. The payment date is defined as the date at which the payment is credited to the Futurepath Education account specified in the enrolment confirmation. The money transfer must indicate the Course Student‘s name.

  7. Cancellation By You

    • You can cancel the Course booking subject to the following conditions.

      • All cancellations must be made in writing and take effect from the date we receive such notice.

      • All deposit payments are final and no refund of the £650.00 deposit will be made under any circumstances.

      • For cancellations before your Course start date, the remainder of the Course fees less the deposit amount will be proportionally refunded as per the table below:

      • A 14 day cooling off period will be applied from the day you enrol. If you decide to cancel within 14 days, you will receive a full refund.

        • Period before start date Total refunded

        • 120 days + = 100%

        • 90-119 days = 50%

        • 45-89 days = 10%

        • 0-44 days = 0%

    • All cancellations must be strictly in writing and sent by email or post to the below listed contact details. Any cancellation must contain the Student name, course dates and reason for cancellation (including any other information we should be made aware of) and shall be effective upon the date of actual receipt by us. Email: admin@futurepath.education

    • If the student is unable to complete the Course for any reason whatsoever then no refunds of any nature will be applicable unless the cancellation is in accordance with this clause 7.

    • We retain the right to charge a cancellation fee of £95 in order to cover transaction and administrative charges when processing a cancellation.

  8. Cancellation & Changes By Us

    • We retain the right to cancel and/or amend a Course at any time for any reason whatsoever. In the event a Course is cancelled, a refund of all monies paid to us by you will be made. We regret that we cannot meet any expenses or losses that you may incur as a result of a change or cancellation. Please keep this in mind when making additional commitments related to the Course, such as airplane, hotel, and car reservations.. In the event of cancellation, we will use our best efforts to give prompt notice.

    • Very rarely, we may be forced by Events Beyond Our Control (see clause 12) to change or cancel your Course, in which case we will offer you alternatives, a postponement of your booking or a full refund of all monies paid to us

    • If the above situation does occur, we regret we will be unable to pay you compensation or meet any costs or expenses you incur as a result.

  9. Course Rules

    • All students must show respect at all times to fellow students and members of our staff. The Course rules outlined below and found here. are designed to ensure that all the students and our staff are able to enjoy the Course, free from any unpleasant, intimidating or aggressive behaviour and in safety. Any Student who consistently breaks the Course rules, breaks the law or displays aggressive or intimidating or racist behaviour towards another student or member of staff will face instant dismissal from the Course and no refunds shall be issued due to a breach of the Course rules.

    • Students found to give unwanted attention/communication to other students and staff after the other person has stated they do not wish any more attention should not pursue any more attempts of contact. Continued attempts can be construed as stalking, bullying and/or harassment which can have legal implications on the pursuer.

  10. Our Responsibilities For Your Booking

    • Subject to the remainder of this clause, we have a duty to either select the suppliers of the services making up your booking with us with reasonable skill and care (where we use the services of third party suppliers to provide your booking) or to provide the services you have booked with reasonable skill and care (where we are performing those services). We have no liability to you except in cases where it is proved that we have breached that duty and damage to you has been caused.

    • We will not be responsible or pay you compensation for any injury, illness, death, loss, damage, expense, cost or other claim of any description if it results from:

    • It is a condition of our acceptance of liability under this clause that you notify any claim to ourselves and our supplier(s) strictly in accordance with the complaints procedure set out in these Terms and Conditions.

    • Where any payment is made, the person(s) receiving it (and their parent or guardian if under 18 years) must also assign to ourselves any rights they may have to pursue any third party and must provide ourselves with all assistance we may reasonably require.

    • Please note, we cannot accept any liability for any damage, loss of expense or other sum(s) of any description:

    • We will not accept responsibility for services or facilities, which do not form part of your booking or where they are not advertised in our marketing materials or website. For example, any excursion you book whilst attending a summer school, or any service or facility which any other supplier agrees to provide for you.

  11. Insurance

    • All Students attending a summer school are advised to have insurance before attending the Course, in tide of any unforeseen or unfortunate events.

    • Please note that Students may be charged for damages to property belonging to us, the host venue, or that of another Student/staff member. These damages are not covered by our insurance policy and the Student may be required to pay for costs.

    • All EU Nationals are required to bring valid documentation to avail of the free medical benefits available to EU nationals with the NHS.

    • You must be satisfied that your insurance fully covers all your personal requirements including pre-existing medical conditions, cancellation charges, medical expenses and cancellation in the event of accident or illness. If you choose to book a Course without adequate insurance cover, we will not be liable for any losses howsoever arising, in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.

  12. Events Beyond Our Control

    • Except where otherwise expressly stated in these Terms and Conditions we will not be liable or pay you compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by Events Beyond Our Control. For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, this means any event beyond our or our supplier’s control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Examples include warfare and acts of terrorism (and threat thereof), civil strife, significant risks to human health such as the outbreak of serious disease at the travel destination, epidemics or pandemics (including, but not limited to the ongoing effects of Covid-19 or any new strain of the coronavirus), or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions, the act of any government or other national or local authority including any port or river authorities, industrial dispute, labour strikes, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or biological disaster, unavoidable technical problems with transport, traffic congestion/restrictions and all similar events out of our or the supplier(s) concerned’s control.

  13. Further Information

    • We make no guarantee of any specific results from the use of the Course.

    • No part of the Course is intended to constitute advice and the content of the Course should not be relied upon when making any decisions or taking any action of any kind.

    • Any information that forms part of the Course is not designed with commercial purposes in mind. We make no representation or warranty that the Course or any content therein is suitable for use in commercial situations or that it constitutes accurate data and / or advice.

  14. Applicable Law

    • These Terms and Conditions and all legal relations between us are governed by the laws of England and we both agree that the Courts of England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute, claim or other matter which may arise between us (unless you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland, in which case you can bring proceedings in your local court under Scottish or Northern Irish law, as applicable).

  15. Complaints Procedure

    • In recognition that, on occasion, there will be legitimate complaints which individual students wish to raise, we are committed to maintaining an effective complaint procedure. We recognise that lessons can be learnt from complaints, enabling us to improve the quality and effectiveness of our services. Complaints must be made in writing to admin@futurepath.education and will be recorded, along with any action taken in regard to the specific complaint or more generally to avoid recurrence of the difficulty. From time to time, anonymous summary management reports of complaints will be reviewed.

  16. Display of The Agreement

    • A copy of these Terms and Conditions shall be available on our website at all times.

  17. Promotional Materials

    • Students may be asked to take part in promotional activities including but not limited to videos, photos, brochures, newsletters, website pages and general promotional activities. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information.

  18. Press

    • The Student is not permitted under any circumstances during the Course or at any time thereafter to give any statements or interviews to the press or any third parties regarding the Course, Futurepath Ed Ltd, or any employee, member or agent of Futurepath Ed Ltd, without our express written authorisation.

  19. Value Added Tax (VAT)

    • Programmes are exempt from Value Added Tax under item 1 of Group 6 of Schedule 9 of the VAT Act 1994. Value Added Tax is therefore not included in, nor can be deducted from the course fees.

  20. COVID-19

    • These Terms and conditions must be read and accepted in line with our Coronavirus Policy page.

    • We reserve the right to make minor updates to the Coronavirus Policy in line with changes to official advice from the UK government or our accrediting body.

  21. Campus

    • The Course shall take place at the Campus unless otherwise advised by us at any time before the commencement of the Course.

    • The Student agrees to comply with any rules and regulations in place at the Campus including the Conduct Rules found here.

  22. Accommodation

    • On request, we can arrange accommodation with third parties subject to a rental fee. Any request for the booking of accommodation must be indicated when enrolling. Prior inspection of the accommodation is not possible.

    • The accommodation is rented only on a Course by Course basis. The date for moving into the accommodation is the published arrival date, and the date for moving out is the published departure date.

    • The Student is responsible for exercising due care in the accommodation and keeping it clean during their stay. On departure, the accommodation must be left in a clean and tidy state.

    • Any violation of the third party accommodation provider’s rules may result in termination of your booking or may be subject to additional costs as seen in clause 23.

  23. Rules

    • Students are expected to attend all provided meals, classes and arranged activities and excursions.

    • All damage to property, equipment and rooms will be charged to the student.

    • Gratuitous or wilful damage to college property, public property or other students’ property will result in dismissal from the Course.

    • Consumption or possession of alcohol by students of any age is not permitted and will result in dismissal from the Course.

    • Drug-taking or possession of drugs will result in instant dismissal from the Course.

    • Racist or intimidating behaviour towards another student or member of staff will result in dismissal from the Course.

    • Personal mobile phones must be turned off during all lessons and scheduled activities.

    • Smoking is strictly prohibited.

  24. Visas

    • Where applicable, it is the responsibility of the Student to ensure that they have the appropriate visa documentation to study in the UK for the duration of the Course dates as having the relevant paperwork required to satisfy all UK entrance and residence requirements. No refund will be issued to the Student if they fail to procure the necessary visa, residency or travel documentation or fail to comply with any other requirements in order to attend the Course. We do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel, or incur any other loss because you have not complied with any passport, visa, immigration requirements or health formalities. You agree to reimburse us in relation to any fines or other losses, which we incur as a result of your failure to comply with any passport, visa, immigration requirements or health formalities.

  25. Our Futurepath Pledge

      For students to be eligible for a guarantee claim, they will need to have ensured and considered the following:

    • Students must have completed their course in full and taken part in all classes, and activities before making a claim

    • If average student feedback is at least 9/10 for students in their class/cohort, the guarantee offer cannot be granted in full

    • If a student cannot show email communications or tangible proof to justify their grievance the pledge offer cannot be granted in full

Last updated Feb 17, 2023