At Futurepath Education, we put a lot of focus on providing a welcoming, exciting, and friendly environment. Learn more about our safeguarding procedures and on-site staff, including our mentors - a group of likeable, professionally trained Brunel University alumni and undergraduates. Mentors assist our participants in integrating into the program swiftly.

01. Student Wellbeing

Prioritising Safety

To ease parents' concerns about their children's safety while they are with us, all of our team members will be required to undergo an extensive DBS check (the UK's criminal record check) and go through safeguarding and welfare training. We place a high emphasis on the security and welfare of our participants. Every participant in a Futurepath program is placed in a group guided by a mentor; this group typically consists of 9–10 students and is supervised by an on-site Futurepath Education Mentor.

All participants can depend on mentors for friendship, support, and guidance. They are willing to share their knowledge and experience and have a genuine understanding of the difficulties and demands that participants must deal with. But most importantly, they should be able to support the student and serve as a channel for communication between the team and the student at any and all times. Since many mentors are former students of Brunel University or Futurepath, they can link their experiences to each participant.

Prioritising Safety

02. Pastoral Care

Our Top Tier Management

A senior College Manager who has received training and experience oversees each of our programs. They oversee organizing and carrying out academic classes and social events, as well as supervising the Mentor staff. For any pastoral or academic concerns during the program, they serve as the point of contact.

Our site is constantly under the close supervision of our local summer team and college staff. Both the city and the college are extremely safe places. All employees go through thorough security and safety inspections, including enhanced DBS checks conducted by the UK government.

The curriculum encourages students to become more independent, but they must do so in a safe environment, preferably in pairs or small groups. The Futurepath crew is always available to monitor participation and make sure that everyone has a fun and safe day.

A senior College Manager who has received training and experience oversees each of our programs. They oversee organizing and carrying out academic classes and social events, as well as supervising the Mentor staff. For any pastoral or academic concerns during the program, they serve as the point of contact.

Our site is constantly under the close supervision of our local summer team and college staff. Both the city and the college are extremely safe places. All employees go through thorough security and safety inspections, including enhanced DBS checks conducted by the UK government.

The curriculum encourages students to become more independent, but they must do so in a safe environment, preferably in pairs or small groups. The Futurepath crew is always available to monitor participation and make sure that everyone has a fun and safe day.

03. Special Circumstances

Dietary, Medical, and Religious Requirements

We make a conscious effort to meet each individual's needs. All dietary needs, including vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, halal, gluten-free, and allergies, can be accommodated at our host location.

Once your application has been approved, please make sure to fill out the post-enrolment form so that we understand exactly what you require. Additionally, if you have any religious obligations that we should be aware of or any special medical needs, please let us know. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you want additional details or if you're not sure if we can meet your needs.

Dietary, Medical, and Religious Requirements