The Tutors

The tutors that will be imparting knowledge to the students are professional university-level educators who have been certified for higher education, and are knowledgeable experts in their given subjects.

The Guest Speakers

Real industry experts will join us during our programme to give insightful talks about their given industry and their day to day life pursuing their career.

These professionals are currently in industry, working for major brands and companies and will be giving students advice on the career path they are passionate in and strive to pursue.

The Mentors

Upon arrival, our students will be assigned to a mentor family where each mentor will be responsible for the wellbeing, safety, and any arising issues that the student may face outside of study hours.

Mentors will be staying with the students in their given flat and ensure safe and warm supervision. Our mentors are current university students who will be background checked for safety measures, or futurepath education alumni who will be able to stay by the student’s side and provide advice and answers to any of the questions the student may have about university life or staying in London, etc.