Complaints Policy

Complaints can come to all levels of the Immerse Education team in many forms and from many people. All Staff should be equipped to respond appropriately to these as they arise.

This document outlines the procedures established at Immerse to manage complaints.

The Complaint

Complaints from Tutors / Mentors regarding other members of the Immerse team are to be treated according to the Grievance Policy and as such should be referred to the Onsite Programme Manager according to those procedures.

  • Complaints from Participants or Staff which fall within the ambit of the Participant Discipline Policy should be treated in line with that policy.

  • Complaints from Participants which do not fall within the ambit of the Participant Discipline Policy should be treated according to this Complaints Procedure.

  • Complaints from parents should be treated according to this Complaints Procedure.

  • Complaints from College Staff / Fellows should be treated according to this Complaints Procedure.

  • Any complaint which concerns a report of harm (whether psychological/emotional or sexual) of a Participant under the age of 18 should follow the procedure in the Safeguarding Policy should be followed.

  • Complaints may also be directed to the British Accreditation Council. Their complaints procedure can be found online at:

Formal Complaints

If a parent/guardian wishes to make a formal complaint, they should do so in writing (by post or email) to including the following information:

  • Your name and the (email) address to which you wish the reply to be sent

  • The name of your son/daughter/ward, and their student identification number

  • A general description of your complaint

  • A description of any specific events that occurred that led you to make the complaint, and the dates on which they occurred.

  • The names and positions of any members of staff or third parties directly relevant to your complaint

  • The names of any other students directly relevant to your complaint background information relevant to your complaint.

  • You will receive an email acknowledgement within 7 working days.