Online Insights Programme

Futurepath Online Programme


Our Online Insights Programme is a great programme to kickstart your education and career path. In this programme, we arrange exclusive online meeting sessions with professionals over the course of 5 days in order for you to better understand the course and industry of your interest, as well as learn things you could never learn anywhere else!

The programme will include a variety of important and useful information and advice to help you understand and advance in your career path with a clearer vision and goal for your own future - such as very crucial CV and job application advice, a step by step talk on how and what the professional did to get to where they are, an open Q&A session, etc.

For our participants to feel less awkward and be able to fully utilize this programme, the professionals we bring in are close in age to our young and passionate students to ease bonding and understanding.

“Honestly, this is a one-of-a-kind programme to hear what I needed and wanted to hear. I wish there was someone who could give me such detailed advice when I was going through this”

- Michael